Sunday, 21 August 2011

What Is Micro Credit

Micro credit refers to the practice of providing credit services such as micro credit, micro-savings and very poor. Micro credit promotes corporate events and small-scale hand up when a document is no longer beneficial.World Vision International understands the importance of micro finance in the areas it serves and the vision is developed branch of international micro finance, WVI. 
All micro credit program is administered by World Vision's vision finds that on average a rate of 98% of portfolio performance.Vision Fund owns or controls an international micro credit institutions in 12 countries in Asia and recruitment specializing in the banking sector and the economy. A proven method for breaking the cycle of poverty, micro finance works address one of the main factors contributing to poverty: the fact that most poor do not have a credit history and therefore ineligible for traditional financial services.

How Micro-Finance Work?

Micro enterprise development is based on sound economic theory, made possible by banks, known as micro-level.

Monetary credit institutions that operate on the same principles as those credit unions. They are designed to bring maximum benefit to their customers, their profits will be recycled with new loans. Each institution has an independent committee that understands the needs and challenges that are working in

Micro credit is an integral part of World Vision in the development and not a standalone program. Potential borrowers must first receive training in their commercial equip with basic skills necessary to run a successful small business.

The increase in small businesses, which may include dairy farms and open a shop or food stall, or many other initiatives in meeting the needs of the community has many advantages:

Employment growth - the company grows, the owner can give to others in the community Increase your family income - families can not afford to provide education and assistance to children without outside intervention

Empowerment especially for women and children, With provides new opportunities for decision making, education and position of the Community Sustainability the success of the company will continue long after the loan was repaid, which means higher income family on education, health and a better life.


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