Wednesday, 17 August 2011

The Cost Per Action ( CPA )

How you can earn money by marketing CPA offers. I recently ventured into CPA marketing, and I must say that I really like. Before you go, I want to briefly explain what the CPA Marketing is everything.


CPA stands for cost per action. Basically, you get paid per share. This could be a record free trial, send the form, send email, download, and so on. On average, you can expect to make ($ 1 - $ 40 + per share successful).

As part of marketing is, what it does is marketing CPA offers. To do this, through the networks of ACP countries and there are a number of them. Once a good network and have a good idea of ​​how it works, you can look through their offers and choose offers to promote.

CPA network often provides everything necessary to promote the offer. All you have to do is abide by their rules and to promote the offer with the materials provided to you (banners, links, etc.). All successful actions that occur as a result of promotions will save you some money.

Getting Started

If you want to venture into CPA Cost Per Action marketing, I recommend you prepare.

I will not go into it as a beginner, because the CPA Cost Per Action networks that people who have some experience or at least know what it is and what they should do to promote these offers and make money.

So here's what I recommend you do to prepare.

Learn the basics of affiliate marketing and the techniques used to generate traffic. You can see this post for ideas on marketing - 13 ways to market your affiliate website

Create a condition of some of the content of the site and some of the traffic. If you already have one, which is even better. (Optional, but recommended) To verify this, official website creation options - free and pay for Top Options to create a website

Check the terminology CPA.

You have an idea of ​​what kind of offers you want to promote and how you will promote.

Once you've done that, you must be prepared to take the plunge into the marketing of ACP. That said, I'll give you a basic guide on how to make money marketing CPA offers.

Step 1: Apply a CPA  Cost Per Action Networks

Before you can promote any offers, you need to get the CPA Cost Per Action network. CPA network is at the heart of a man offering to connect advertisers with publishers to (Yes). So if you want to encourage bids from advertisers, you can find through the affiliate network.

Many types of APC networks in the market. My favorite right now is Max Bounty. They have lots of offers and affiliate managers are really helpful. They also pay on time every month which I love.

For a complete list of CPA Cost Per Action networks, you can apply, so check Affiliate Paying. This site contains various CPA Cost Per Action networks and provides information on the network as if they pay what they pay when they have been, and so on. There is also criticism of other members who are part of the specific network.

Make sure you have a website of any kind when they apply to such networks. They will ask about your site on demand, so be sure to be included.

Many networks will not accept you if you do not have a website. There are exceptions however, and it is if you want to use PPC or other method to drive traffic to offer.

You will communicate with the network after submitting your application and tell them how you will promote special offers and some will accept you without a website.

When you submit a request to the network you are interested in participating, would you try to contact the network via email or telephone to expedite the process. You want to take the initiative and show them that you really want to get into their network, and earn some money.

Step 2: Check with your affiliate manager

When you have a few networks, you must try to establish a relationship with your affiliate manager. Affiliate managers are ready to help you succeed.

If you have any questions or concerns, which is the contact person. They can help you with your campaign, you say it offers good converters, and more.


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